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ACC Online

connecting our community

Welcome back … nearly done …

Welcome to Term 2. We’re pretty excited to be back.

And … hooray, our renovations are nearly nearly nearly done! The floorboards that were hiding under the carpet and lino have been filled, sanded and polished this weekend. They look amazing!

The kitchen plumbing is in. And lino is down in there - to match the floorboards in the other rooms. It looks super! Out the back the pergola now has a roof and there is a new tap and outdoor sink.

So, a day or two for the floors to dry and then we just have lots of things to move back into the right rooms! And the builders have a few more jobs like skirtings and painting to finish off.

By next week we anticipate that we should be able to set up the tables and chairs and reposition our usual furniture.

It is going to be so amazing to start to explore the opportunities created by our new/improved spaces.

Please let us know if you have any programs or activities you’d like to see run at ACC into the future. Send us an email or call us on 9499 7227.

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